Food Trend Tours
by Andrew Fordyce

Food Trend Tours by Andrew Fordyce – vom Experten für Experten. Erlebtes Benchmarking da, wo Trends entstehen. Für alle Leader, Teams und Unternehmen, die Bock auf anders haben.


Wissensaustausch von Wissenden und Wissenshungrigen. Andrew matcht dich mit den Richtigen. Als Food Scout oder Dozent an einer internationalen Universität mit Profis, die dir zeigen, wovon sie reden. Praxisnah, ob Food Trucker, Sternekoch oder Professor.


Koch – Manager im Konzern – Unternehmer. Marktkenntnis aus jedem Blickwinkel für erfolgreiche Retail Konzepte, integrativ von Shopping Mall bis zu Stadtplanung.

Key Note Speaking

Aktives Zuhören funktioniert, wenn’s spannend ist. Key Note Speaking, das mitreisst, weil Know How inspirierend sein sollte.


What’s new? Wissenswertes aus der Food Service Branche von Andrew als Gastbeitrag oder stehende Kolumne in führenden Fachpublikationen.

In order to discover today’s food trends, we do not need to travel intercontinentally. Hot spots like Barcelona, Lisbon, Istanbul and London show how trends in the US and Asia work in Europe by adapting them to the local market and stimulating new business.

Experience with us what benchmarking on-site means. Together we discover the diverse and colourful world of food trends using all our senses. Andrew Fordyce, Food Trend Scout and expert for food concepts with 30 years of industry experience, brings you to the right places for new ideas. Here you will find innovations in:

  • Trends & Food Scouting
  • Food scenes like “Streetfood” & “Casual Dining”
  • Concepts & Product / Packaging / Design / Presentation Solutions
  • Team-building measures
  • Educational Partner (a.o. national and international universities)

Our tours are designed for either individuals or exclusive group bookings for food service professionals such as caterers, To-Go concepts, restaurant, retail and production companies from the food and beverage industries, and for suppliers.

Upcoming tour dates

“The professional food world is one of the most exciting and at the same time most appealing industries at all. It is extremely dynamic and develops with a lash stroke. I match you with people who fascinate because they are passionate about food. They share ideas, success stories and knowledge with you. Maybe a drink in the evening opens up the possibility of a profitable collaboration. “

Andrew Fordyce

More of Andrew

„Istanbul, where modern meets the ancient world and where a stunning restaurant scene is currently developing and has evolved, was a great inspiration for us. Andrew and Yasemin led us through the deepest Istanbul, introduced great people and visionaries, presented new and old concepts. Any time again!“

Björn Pölking – Senior Department Head Menu Management – Food Development Mc Donalds, Germany –


“I found the mixture of industry and restaurant operators very well taken. It was extremely enriching that “old stagers” were also present. The exchange of experiences was very interesting.”

Jens Hallbauer – CEO Operational Management – Hans im Glück Franchise GmbH, Germany –

“Herzlichen Dank für die wunderbare Casual Dining Tour mit Dir durch London! Es war lehrreich, inspirierend und auch lustig. Wir haben bereits eine interne Präsentation zusammengestellt und werden einige Dinge umsetzen können.”

Daniela & Markus Segmüller  – Owner – Carlton Zürich AG / Segmüller Collection, Switzerland – Segmüller Collection

Three highlights of the tour: “Spectrum of food trends shown – Passionate – Approach to the requirements of the participants“

Tour in 10 words: “Compact insights into current food trends, professionally backed up with information.”


Rudolf Perner –  Regional Director Multi National Key Accounts –  
Aramark GmbH
, Germany  –

Tour in weniger als zehn Worten: “kulinarisch-, innovativ-, informativ-, plakativ-, systematisch-, menschlich-, sympathisch-, kreativ-, zeitlich wertvoll!”

Raimund Scheid – Project Manager – Klüh Catering GmbH, Germany –

“30 km Laufen in 48 Stunden in London, gezielte Konzepte besichtigen, viel Degus direkt bei den Producern mit Andrew Fordyce, der sich in London wirklich auskennt!”

Claudio Schmitz – Director Product Management – SV Group AG, Switzerland –

“Versatility, your knowledge, the procedure (just pay once and it is all inclusive).“

Hubertus von Wedel – Director Marketing/Non Food Einkauf – Deutsche See GmbH, Germany –

“Fantastic food marathon through London with good market knowledge and a lot of passion with culinary highlights, trendy and also hard-to-find restaurants. A must for all interested groups. A big warm thank you.”

Martin Volkelt – Head Product Management – Deutsche See GmbH, Germany –

Passionate madness with essence of uncomplicated culinary creativity.”

Jeff Hoeseler – F&B Coordinator – Tavalago AG, Switzerland –                      

“An unique experience which enrichened the team spirit as well as the culinary skills.”

Philipp Küpfer – Head Gastronomy Cruise Shipping – Tavolago AG, Switzerland –

“In short: A successful event with a lot of ideas and food for thought.”

Ole Stechert – Head of Catering, Food – & Beverage Management AIRBUS Operations GmbH –

“In particular, I liked the conversations with you, with the useful insight tips on what tools the leaders need behind the concepts to make their innovation and leadership processes more efficient and successful.”

Daniel Wiesner – COO – Fredy Wiesner Gastronomie AG, Switzerland – www.


“Ich durfte wieder sehr viele Eindrücke sammeln und konnte beim Anschauen der vielen Konzepte und den Gesprächen mit den anderen Teilnehmern sehr viel profitieren. Dies alles hilft doch sehr, einen Schritt weiter zu kommen und die ganze Industrie weiter zu bringen. Danke sehr dafür.”

Fredy Wiesner – COO – Fredy Wiesner Gastronomie AG, Switzerland – www.

“I would not change a thing in the organisation of the tour, but perform it exactly the same next time.”

Manfred Holl – CEO – HMA Gastro GmbH & Co KG, Germany – –

“Ist is very difficult for me to judge what was the best: basically the variety and “colorfulness” of the food offer – as discussed – the lunchtime solutions – with variety of “packaging”. The tour was very interesting, diverse, innovative, intensive, trendy, professionally competent, well organized, with unbelievable impressions and… exhausting ;))”

Heiner Raschhofer – Director – Raschhofer’s Rossbräu und My Indigo „Eat & Smile“, Austria –


” – Leave the office and see the world outside (of course, from a work perspective).
Share a few days with people from the food industry, but totally unknown for me. 
– See the real market trends.”

Almudena Gomez Moyano – Marketing Manager & Brand Manager – SSP The Food Travel Experts, Spain –

“… the participants loved Andrew very much for his commitment and fire. It was a lot of fun and the whole group was in good mood. In addition everybody appreciated Andrew for going all out in co-ordinating and taking orders in the restaurants.”

Cynthia Vértes – Branch Office – Verband dipl. Gastro-Unternehmer/innen, Switzerland –

“You showed us a broad spectrum of food outlets. You have a good London scene knowledge! Your ability to point out the important small details in a concept, packaging, etc. was exceptional.”

Daniel Jüni – CEO – Mister Cool AG, Switzerland –

“To get the opportunity to see and taste so many different concepts and burgers in one place in such a short time is certainly not possible in many cities. But in London it works perfectly! The group was very harmonious and no one had any concerns about exchanging experiences. It was a casual and very pleasant atmosphere. One of the most extreme gastric food tests in the world! Any time again!”

Maik Remane – Sales Manager – Block Foods AG, Germany –

“I enjoyed your consistency of staying consequently to the topic. In addition, there was professional and balanced mix of participants.”

Christian Schramm – Country Manager DACH & North Eastern Europe – Lamb Weston Meijer v.o.f, Germany –

“I would just like to express our gratitude from the excellent food marathon. Our costumers and we were very pleased and we have launched our Street Food concept already. I have added the video from our exhibition a few weeks ago – we already received “Best Stand” awards twice – inspired by Camden market.”

Mats Johansson – Food Service Corporate Chef –  Haugen-Gruppen AS, Norway –

Was hat Dir besonders gut gefallen?
– Enorme Flexibilität im Tourverlauf, Änderungen/Ergänzungen nahezu jederzeit möglich
– Beeindruckendes Fach-  und Branchenwissen von Andrew
– Excellente Vorbereitung, hoch professionelle Durchführung!
Was würdest Du verbessern?
– Nix
– Nix
– Nur nie aufhören!
Wie würdest Du diese Tour in weniger als 10 Worten beschreiben?
Die einzig legale Bewusstseinserweiterung! Chapeau Andrew

Christian Meckel – Geschäftsführer – EDEKA C+C großmarkt GmbH –

“Andrew knows London like the back of his hand. Not even a small food trend remains undetected. It stimulates cross-thinking and displays solutions that one can develop on a lasting basis.. “.

Julia Grommes – Owner – die SNACK-BERATERIN, Germany –




Behind the scenes